Simplifying Charcoal: My Favorite Brands and Why
Painting Technique: Humanism with Donatello & Mary Magdalene with Giotto's & Darker Farther Away
Tips and Techniques: How to Use Powdered Graphite and Nylon Charcoal Balls with Bristol Paper
Sketch Drawing to Explain Giotto's 3D Mass & Solidity - Gradually Lighter to Darker, Farther Away
Strathmore 300 Series Paper: The Artist's Best Friend for Sketching and Experimentation
Using an Unfinished Charcoal Drawing / Sketch to Analyze Venus DeMilo, the Concept of Contrapposto
Holiday Drawing Gift List: 22 Must Have Drawing Supplies for Artists
Sharpening Your Pencil and Gesture Drawing to Evoke Attitude & Energy
COLDS: Exploring Compositional Depth with Contrast, Overlapping Planes, Location, Direction, and Size
Spiral vs. Bound: Which Sketchbook Wins the Art Class Showdown? And Reinforce Your Spiral Bindings with Fishing Line!