Cross Hatching with Round Brushes, The Most Important Brushes for Oil Painting
Unveiling the Depth of "Alba Madonna": A Journey Through Rafael's Artistic Mastery
Mastering Contrast: Telling Your Story Through Color and Contrast
Ruining Color by "Blocking-In": Every Stroke Maters, Deconstructing Each Layer
Part 3 of 7: Workhorse Must Have Brushes, Are Leonardo and Raphael to Blame for My Brush Addiction?
Part 2 of 7: Renaissance Brush Revolution, Are Leonardo and Raphael to Blame for My Brush Addiction?
Why Classical Art is Important and the Three Stages: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric
Would Leonardo da Vinci, John S. Sargent, or Raphael Have Trouble Adjusting a Modern Photograph to Evoke The Intended Message?
Transparent Darks Are Beautiful but Sometimes Too Beautiful: Mastering Transparent Colors in Your Paintings
The Power of Canvas Tone: How Color Choice is Influenced by Your Background