Classical Drawing is a Fundamental Aspect of Art that is often overlooked. It is not just about learning how to measure, but also about developing an awareness of what is going on around you. There is a direct correlation between those who learn to draw at a high level and who paint at a high level. When you paint with color, you are comparing warm and cool colors and often of different values, which affects the perception of value relationships and color appearance that is constantly changing. Our Drawing Program will equip you to succeed in painting. Our unique Specialty of a Step by Step How to Draw Program designed by Chris to empower artist starting at your own level of ability. Direct Approach is seeing Shapes and Half-Tone Values without pre-drawing. We believe there are unique benefits you will obtain from both of these methods which we teach. In this module, you will continue to learn the basic of drawing from the old masters and techniques that I have used for over 40-years. When you complete this module, you will have an understanding of the fundamentals of drawing and be equipped to embark on your personal journey with the pencil.
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