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Realism in Modern Art Today. Part 1: PLANE When Lines on the Page Are Parallel.

Part one: PLANE - when major (found)lines on the page are parallel to the edges of the page (also known as the picture plane), these found parallel lines can evoke a sense of calmness, stability, uplifting, can you use this in your art today?


Regardless of the art field that you're in, whether your medium is Oil, Acrylic, Pastel, or Watercolor Painting. The world of Digital Arts - Graphic Design, Illustration or Digital Arts, a Parallel line -still evokes a feeling and that feeling when controlled by you is still art, and it is Your Art. Who said to forget what the artist from. the past showed us is not relevant today.

The Art Principles from the Old (Masters) Guys are tools you can use today, and they still apply.


Let me say this a different way, when you're in digital art, animation, graphic design, all the old master’s art principles apply to you today.

Let me say this a different way if you're in animation, film and video and you like to get crazy and you don't want any rules and you want to let your imagination explode, all the old master’s art principles appl to your art today.

Art, regardless of the field, regardless of the art period, art is storytelling. Your verbs nouns, adjectives adverbs are replaced with the elements of art: color contrast, pattern, texture, and shape.

Each of these elements of art carry universal “things”. I use the word “things” because I wanted to say “truth” but as soon as I use the word “truth”, someone is going to find something that is not true about it, so let us just say: Artistic Choices.”


In the early Italian Renaissance, most of the drawing construction of the composition was parallel to the page, later the art world would coin this type of composition as PLANE (lines which are PLANE evoke a feeling of calm and peace).

So, without getting into all the other compositional elements (symmetrical, asymmetrical, rule of thirds, golden mean, etc.).

Lines in PLANE the brain still sees as calm and peaceful can be learned so easily in all art fields-drawing, painting, animation, illustration, photography, that you have a place to make sure a line is parallel to the page to calmness when you need calmness.

How about an abstract painting - maybe you have a thought from the past that keeps emerging but it's a calm, thought maybe that line could be parallel to the page, and if it touches the edge of the page, it will come forward as if a memory keeps coming toward you. But that's a different topic and a different master principal.


Art tools from the past used in your art today. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

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